I picked these up years ago at a Salute at Olympia, Earl's Court. These are Titans and Spartans from Crocodile Games for the Wargods of Olympus game. They were pre-release then and im not sure if all the figures I bought have been released yet. Great fun to paint, the titans for the scale and the spartans are well scultped for painting. I was very excited about these when they first came out, but over time the game seems to have lost momentum. I remember meeting some of the frothers (Including Doc and the Colonel I think) in the local pub and their enthusiasm about picking up a copy of the Wargods of Egyptus rules. I actually had to dust them down they have been sitting around so long, the figures not the frothers. A blast from the past, though bizarrely the game has yet to be released.
15mm Mecha Madness
3 weeks ago
Very nice work on these minis. You have given the Titan's a Harryhausen look which really suits them :).