However I am unhappy with the painting, I havent painted a vehicle for a long time and never a white one so there are many learning points. As the vehicle are pure and bright white in the movie thats how I painted them, however they have lost details and definition. I also undercoated black, more out of habit and thinking it through. Finally my white paint was too thick and it obscured details as I had to put on so many coats due to the black undercoat. So a few learning points there.
Undercoat white, apply thin layers of white, use ink washes to fill in details and improve contrast. I dont feel upset as its all learning and I think they are good value for money models. I would be keen on any feedback/advice on how best to paint this type of model.
Anyway next the infantry, not painted 15mm before so another new challenge. Or maybe the Uruk Hai...
The "8 wheeled Ratel" in the movie is a Rooikat QRF makes one of those as well.